Is masturbation a sin? How to stop masturbating?

Is masturbation a sin or not?

Here are some religious beliefs which tells us that masturbation is sin

Islam: Masturbation is considered haram in islamic teachings.

Christianity: Christian teachings, particularly within roman Catholic church,consider masturbation a sin based on interpretations of biblical teachings about sexual purity and chastity.

Secular perspectives: Most secular do not consider masturbation a sin, viewing it as a part of human sexuality 

How to stop masturbating?

Masturbation is personal and sensitive issue you have to get rid from this issue.Here are some ways which help you to stop masturbating.

Identify Triggers: 

Determine what force you to masturbate: common Triggers are loneliness and stress.when you identify what force you to masturbate then avoid that things.

Seek support:

Talk to someone you trust the most share your goals with that person he might be your friend or your brother or therapist. Tell your problem to him he might help you to get rid of that addiction

Stop watching porn: 

Limiting or stoping pornography can help reduce these sexual desires. Use blockers on your mobile or desktop to restrict access to pornographic content. Reduce your screen time

Develop Healthy Habits:

Replacing masturbation with healthy habits can be effective. Engage in physical activities.start doing gym. consider activities that require focus and energy .Start eating healthy diets which make you active and fit laziness also urge for masturbation

Focus on personal growth 

Invest time in personal development. Set new goals and try to achieve them.By doing this you can create a fulfilling and balanced life that reduces the need for masturbation


Don’t sit alone for long time.Go outside talk to your friends enjoy with your friends otherwise give time to your family just do some activity which limits your loneliness

Remember the journey to change any habit requires time, effort, energy and consistency.


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